This earns you income which you can spend on upgrades and improvements between the missions, or to command and help your soldiers during the battle. However, be careful not to send your soldiers running into huge clusters of the enemy, as they will be easily swarmed and killed, especially as the gameplay difficulty grows.) Each zombie killed by your squad will be bought by scientists after the mission. (Note that the zombies will try to attack running recruits, but most will be too slow to threaten them. Select any squad member, then tap an empty spot anywhere in the level to order the man to run there. You can freely move the recruits between all spots, remove them from the battlefield, and recruit new ones. You can also add veteran squad members, the Commanders, to train your men and increase their skills in the battlefield. While managing the squad, you can unlock recruits who come with new weaponry, upgrade existing units and weapons, purchase new technology and skills, improve available technology, or open up special options. The recruits will defend themselves, but will not move on their own.

Waves of enemies, numerous variants of zombies, appear regularly and will keep moving towards your recruits, attempting to attack them. The squad is deployed in a level that typically takes up several screens, and offers a number of spots to place the members of the squad. The basic gameplay mechanic of "Zombie Defense" is similar to the classic Tower Defense: acting as a veteran Lieutenant in charge of a special squad of recruits whose job it is to bring order back to the world overrun by the walking dead, you control your recruits in battle, and manage the squad between the battles.

Zombie Defense manual contains fistful of hints, tips, and basics to help new players dive into the game.